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API documentation
Updated over 10 months ago

Our API can return two different results:

  1. Artist information: returns the link to the Bandsintown artist page, the link to the artist photo, the current number of followers and more

  2. Artist events: returns the list of events including their date and time, venue name and location, ticket links, lineup, description, title, and the link to the Bandsintown event page

PLEASE NOTE: You can specify if you only want to return upcoming events, past events, all events, or events within a given date range.

For more details, look at technical documentation.

How to get artist information

By Artist Name{{artist_name}}/?app_id=yOUrSuP3r3ven7aPp-id

By Artist ID{{artist_id}}/?app_id=yOUrSuP3r3ven7aPp-id

By Facebook page ID{{Facebook page id}}/?app_id=yOUrSuP3r3ven7aPp-id


How to get event information{{artist_name}}/events/?app_id=yOUrSuP3r3ven7aPp-id


How to add calls to action

When you add these calls to action (CTA) links on your website, this will allow you to sync your live streams or concerts from your Bandsintown account straight to your website. With these CTA links, fans will always know where and when you're performing next without leaving your site, increasing event promotion, engagement and ticket sales.

Examples of CTA: Track; RSVP, Notify Me

Bandsintown URLs returned by the API

Get Event:{{artist_name}}events?app_id=yOUrSuP3r3ven7aPp-id

Event URL

"url": ""

Artist URL

"url": ""

Ticket URL

"url": ""

Live shows

"url": ""

If there are no tickets or live shows in an event, the "offers" array will be empty.


Display an "RSVP button” for every show to allow fans to receive updates and reminders about the show. The link consists of the concatenation of the "url" attribute returned by the Bandsintown API for that event and the parameter &trigger=rsvp_going ​ ​

Notify Me

When there is no ticket link (i.e. no "offer" in the Bandsintown API response), you could display a "Notify Me" button instead that calls the same URL as for RSVP except with the parameter &trigger=notify_me.

What that link does is allow the fan to be notified when ticket links are added to the event, so the benefit for the artist is to help increase ticket sales by creating fan anticipation as part of a pre-sale strategy. ​ ​


Display a link to the artist page with the &trigger=track

Live Streaming Events

Please follow the recommendations in the API for Livestreams article.

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