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How Releases work
Updated over 8 months ago

Release pages help you announce, build hype, and message fans around new music, merch, tours, contests, and more.

Fans can RSVP to be notified when the Release is live, helping you generate a groundswell of energy around it and consolidating your communications and attention into one centralized hub.

Release pages are plug-and-play, with no coding required.

How Releases work

Plug in your own image, description, buy links, and more, and choose your fonts and colors.

Share the link with fans through your socials and beyond.

Fans can RSVP on the page to be notified when the release is available, and share the link with friends.

You can track your RSVPs and message them at any time, and you’ll own the contact data forever.

Fans will receive a personalized email when the Release is live.

How Releases are different than Promoted Emails, Smart Links, Signup Pages, and Posts

The goal of each tool is to make it easy for you to keep your fans up to date and allow them to easily opt in to receive direct updates from you.

Release pages are dedicated plug-and-play public landing pages where fans can RSVP to be notified about your upcoming releases, including music, merch, events, tours and more. You’ll retain ownership of their contact data after the campaign.

Promoted Emails allow you to pay to target fans of similar artists or in specific locations with customizable email campaigns to announce a new project, tour, merch, or anything else.

Smart Links display all of your upcoming events along with ticket links and an option for fans to RSVP to specific events or join your mailing list. These links are ideal for social media bios or anywhere you need to quickly share upcoming dates.

Signup Forms allow fans to subscribe to your mailing list on Bandsintown.

Posts are great for manually sharing announcements and letting fans know about new projects or anything else you want to share, but can’t be linked to publicly, and don’t allow fans to RSVP to be automatically notified for future updates.

Creating a Release

Visit the Releases tab on Bandsintown for Artists and click + Create Release.

Add the details of your release including the title, description, artwork, and call to action, and set the date, time and timezone for the Release.

Customize the design of your Release landing page, including the background color and font.

Add your marketing pixel if applicable.

Edit the signup confirmation email fans receive after they RSVP and the email they’ll receive when your release goes live. Choose whether to notify RSVPs only or all of your fans about when your Release is live.

PRO TIP: Allow fans to sign up with their phone numbers if you’d like to send them an SMS message when your Release is live.

If you’re not ready to publish right away, you can save a Release as a draft.

Otherwise, publish your page to push it live immediately.

Sharing your Release page

Once published, copy your Release link and add it to your social media bios, website, and/or promote it through an email campaign letting fans know where to RSVP in order to maximize your engagement.

Editing a Release page after creating it

From the Releases tab, click on the three dots located at the top right of your release, and select Edit.

Notifying fans when your Release is live

Depending on the your preferences, either RSVPs or all fans will receive your personalized email at the day and time your Release is live.

You can also message your RSVP list any time.

Measuring the success of your Release campaign

You can find data on how many views, RSVPs, sent emails, and email clicks your releases have by visiting the Releases tab on Bandsintown for Artists, clicking on the three dots on your release, and selecting Insights.

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