Can I use Bandsintown's Email Builder instead of another email marketing platform?
Updated over a week ago

Absolutely. Musicians and their teams can save money and simplify their marketing stack by using Bandsintown's free Email Builder, designed exclusively for artists.
​Why artists love Bandsintown's Email Builder:
- 100% free and includes unlimited emails & contacts*
- Craft emails from scratch or use customizable templates
- Add tour dates, streaming links, and more instantly
- Reach all fans or refine your audience targeting
- Import/export & manage contacts from a single dashboard
- Collect contact info and build your audience across the web
-Get insightful stats and learn what works
Read this article to learn how to migrate from your current platform.
Please note that some advanced features like tagging, automations, and custom contact fields are not available on Bandsintown's Email Builder yet, but may be introduced in the future. If you require these features or more, you can still use Bandsintown's Email Builder in addition to your current service.

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