What do I do if there is another artist with the same name as mine?
Updated over a week ago

If you are just getting started on Bandsintown and have never used the platform before, you might be surprised to find that an artist with the same name as yours already exists. It is very common that bands in different parts of the world might have had the same idea for a great name, but it is also just as possible that you already have a Bandsintown profile before even signing up.

A profile might have been created for you automatically if past events were imported from official ticket providers. If this is the case, most likely this profile has never been claimed and you do not need to worry about another artist using your name. Just follow the steps to claim an existing artist page.

If you're not sure, you can search for your name on https://bandsintown.com/ to see if anything looks familiar on that existing profile. Check the photos carefully, any upcoming or past shows that might have been imported, and all other info that you can find like the bio and social media links.

After doing this, you might realize that there actually is another artist that uses the same name as yours. Although this should definitely make you reconsider your choice if you are a brand new artist just starting out, it is possible for us to create a profile with the same name and add it to the disambiguation list. This, combined with some extra effort on your part to fill out your profile completely, should help fans tell you apart.

If you think that you also have a legitimate claim to use the name, please send us an email at ArtistSupport@bandsintown.com with links to your website and socials so we can find a bio and photos that will be used to create a new profile for you. You may also be asked to complete some other verification steps before getting access.

**Please note that we will allow duplicate names at our own discretion, after we have investigated the case to make sure that there will be no major conflicts or confusion between the two artists. Trying to use the same name as a popular artist will be denied, but we may allow this if two bands are playing for very different audiences in opposite parts of the world. Even in these cases, we still strongly recommend finding a unique name to avoid confusion and complications for yourself down the road, if possible.

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