The integration makes it easy for artists to amplify their Bandsintown events to Spotify’s 615 million monthly listeners worldwide by simply adding their Spotify artist profile URL to their Bandsintown profile.
PLEASE NOTE: While Bandsintown ensures that all eligible artist events are distributed, Spotify ultimately determines which events appear on their platform. Factors like event type (e.g., tribute), event genre (e.g., comedy), or words used in the event title may affect event visibility on Spotify. For more information, please visit Spotify’s help center or reach out to Spotify's Live Event Support.
How to add your events to Spotify
If you do not have a Bandsintown for Artists account, sign up for free and claim or create your artist page.
From your Bandsintown for Artists dashboard, click on Profile and add your Spotify artist profile URL (learn how to find your Spotify artist profile URL).
Next, visit the Events section and make sure that all of your upcoming shows are listed accurately—this is the data Spotify uses to retrieve your events. There is no limit or restriction to the number of events that can be displayed. If you notice that one of your upcoming events is missing, add your event.
How to edit your events featured on Spotify
From the Events section of your Bandsintown for Artists dashboard, you can edit your event.
Changes to your events in Bandsintown for Artists will automatically appear on Spotify within 4-12 hours. To submit an urgent modification request, email
If changes you made to an event on Bandsintown for Artists are not showing up on Spotify, ensure your Spotify artist profile URL is linked in your Bandsintown Artist Profile and changes to your events have been made for at least 24 hours. If changes are still not showing, email
Some events on Spotify are pulled from direct integrations with other ticketing partners. See an updated list of Spotify’s ticketing partners here. If your event is ticketed by one of the ticketing partners listed, visit the ticket provider directly to make changes or submit a support request to Spotify via this form.
Festival events will display only the start date of the festival, not the entire range of dates.
Live streams are not yet supported by this integration.
Where to find your events on Spotify
Events listed by artists on Bandsintown for Artists will appear on your Spotify artist profile and in fans’ personalized Live Events feed.
Ticket links on Spotify
Events listed on Spotify include a link that may point either straight to the ticket provider’s website or to the corresponding Bandsintown event page.
How to find your Spotify artist profile URL
From your Spotify artist profile, click the 3 dots or right-click your artist name, select Share, and select Copy link to artist. For help finding your artist profile, search for your artist name together with your track/album name.
Your Spotify artist profile URL should have a format similar to this: