What is Bandsintown's Email Builder?
Updated over a week ago

Bandsintown's free drag-and-drop Email Builder lets artists create and send targeted emails to their fans. Start with a template, or craft a personalized email from scratch to make an announcement, send a newsletter, or promote music, merch, tours, events, and more.

Why artists love Bandsintown's Email Builder:- 100% free and includes unlimited emails & contacts*
- Craft emails from scratch or use customizable templates
- Add tour dates, streaming links, and more instantly
- Reach all fans or refine your audience targeting
- Import/export & manage contacts from a single dashboard
- Collect contact info and build your audience across the web
- Get insightful stats and learn what works

Learn more and get started here.

*Our Email Builder was designed to support independent artists. If you're a label, agency, or management company please contact us. Check our Acceptable Use Policy for more details.

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