Can I add my events to Shazam?
Updated over a week ago

Shazam is the most popular music recognition app and the best way to discover, explore and share the music you love. If you have a Shazam artist page, we've made it easy to seamlessly share your Bandsintown events with Shazam users. Just follow these simple steps:

  1. Log in to your Bandsintown for Artists account and select your artist

    First-time visitor? Sign up here and claim your artist page, then make sure to update your artist profile (photo, hometown, bio, genres, similar artists, and music and social links)

  2. Go to your artist's Profile » Link and add the URL of your Apple Music artist page (where can I find this?)

  3. Go to Events and make sure to list all your upcoming shows—this is the data Shazam uses to retrieve your events

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