Can I promote my page through Bandsintown without Bandsintown Promoter/How does Bandsintown Promoter work?
Updated over a week ago

You can access free features to promote your page on Bandsintown including the ability to message your trackers. Adding events to Bandsintown automatically adds them to our feeds on our website and mobile app and includes them in emails for users who are opted in. Bandsintown Promoter allows users to create and run paid email campaigns to increase event exposure and improve ticket sales. You can find out more information about these campaigns on Bandsintown Promoter or these articles.

You can review your previous campaigns or schedule new ones without leaving Bandsintown: simply click on the Campaigns section and wait a few seconds for your data to load or go directly to Bandsintown Promoter.
- if the email address of your Bandsintown Promoter account is recognized, you're all set
- if the email address of your Bandsintown Promoter account is not recognized, click on the Existing Promoter User button to associate your Bandsintown account with your Bandsintown Promoter credentials.

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