How do I delete an event?
Updated over a week ago

You can remove an event from your Bandsintown page in a few easy steps.

1. Click on the Events tab on the left sidebar in Bandsintown
2. Click the red X circle next to the event you want to remove
3. Click the Delete button in the pop-up screen

You can delete multiple events at once by clicking the check box next to the events you want to delete and then clicking the red X circle on the bottom of the screen.

If you need an event to be removed from an artist page, but do not have administrative to the artist page privileges because you are an event promoter, agent, etc. please email and include the event link, information and reason for deleting.
If you are having trouble with events that are not yours showing up on your Bandsintown page, please see our article on how to prevent dates from being added to your page automatically.

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