Does Bandsintown cost money to use?
Updated over a week ago

Bandsintown is free! We believe every artist should be able to publish their events for the whole world to see. Whether you are an artist yourself, an artist manager, a record label, a booking agency, or a venue manager, as long as you are interested in publishing events, you are welcome to create an account and claim your artist or venue.

As an artist or manager, you can also engage with all the live music fans who track you by posting a message on Bandsintown at any time: fans love to hear from you and we notify fans for free. This is great way to connect with your live audience, share your favorite moments, and promote singles, albums or merch!

Interested in learning which city brings you the most fans? Where you should be touring next? How many ticket clicks your latest events received? How many fans viewed you last post? We offer all that and more in our Insights section and you guessed it: it's all free.

And if you are announcing a tour, we have a great tool for you to promote your tour dates on social media in the easiest possible way: our Smart Link comes with a short link you can simply copy and paste on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and even on printed material with your artist-unique QR code everywhere you want to maximize visibility. Of course, our Events Landing Page is free, too.

Now, if you want to increase exposure and ticket sales beyond our free features, Bandsintown allows you to reach a much larger live music fan base by creating and running paid email campaigns through our Bandsintown Promoter application: just click on Promote and follow the steps ($150 minimum per campaign).

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